We received a request to reset your password with this email address. ({{email_address}}) [Product Name] ( https://example.com ) We received a request to reset the password to access [Product Name] with your email address ({{email_address}}) from a {{operating_system}} device using {{browser_name}}, but we were unable to find an account associated with this address. If you use [Product Name] and were expecting this email, consider trying to request a password reset using the email address associated with your account. Try a different email ( {{ action_url }} ) If you do not use [Product Name] or did not request a password reset, please ignore this email or contact support ( {{ support_url }} ) if you have questions. Thanks, The [Product Name] Team If you’re having trouble with the button above, copy and paste the URL below into your web browser. {{action_url}} © 2019 [Product Name]. All rights reserved. [Company Name, LLC] 1234 Street Rd. Suite 1234